
Crow’s Nest: Signs in the snow

January 3, 2018

By Daniel Barringer, Preserve Manager.

Photo: Daniel Barringer

I was happy to see how many people braved the cold on New Year’s day to participate in “First Day” hikes. We didn’t host an organized one here but the snow tells the story: we had many visitors who took advantage of the holiday to enjoy the outdoors.

There are other stories the snow tells. For example (above), what species of large mammal slept in this field in a small group and melted the snow?

In related news, today I saw my first ever deer inside the barnyard. I’m sure it’s not the first that went there, just the first I’ve ever seen inside in the more than 20 years I’ve worked here. Broad daylight, about 1 pm.

Photo: Daniel Barringer

I hope you stay warm wherever you are. A visit to the preserve can still be rewarding in this weather if you dress appropriately.