
Crow’s Nest: Wet Trails

June 6, 2018

By Daniel Barringer, Preserve Manager. Photo by Lindsay Wallace.

Photo: Lindsay Wallace

We have had a very wet stretch of weather here, and we are doing our best to keep up with the grass growing. Some trails that were dry earlier in the season are now too wet to mow. Others we mowed were borderline—the mower leaves stripes of mud. Please know that we are doing our best to stay ahead of the grass at every opportunity; staff has worked 11 or 12 hour days to keep up, and we have shortened the mowing interval from the usual (and more desirable) 7 – 8 days to a necessary 5. Of course this eats into the time we have for other projects. But things will eventually slow down…

Force of Nature volunteer Lindsay Wallace took this photo while monitoring bluebird boxes, shortly before heavy rains yesterday arrived.