Crow’s Nest: How time flies!

December 27, 2019

By Daniel Barringer, Preserve Manager.

Can you believe that this weblog has been going for 15 years? I can’t, really. Here’s a photo that was in my first entry, dated December 27, 2004.

It served as a reminder that these yellow spotted salamanders (Ambystoma maculatum) migrate to vernal pools and sometimes can be found crossing roads on the first warm, rainy nights of spring.

You can’t find the older posts in an archive any more; we’ve changed platforms since then. After the first five years my spouse Denise compiled selected entries into a book that I refer to in my head as “Looking West at Dawn,” though that’s not the name of the book. It is the subject of the cover image (from an entry from November, 2006) and is a metaphor for looking closely at the less-obvious things.

I am grateful to have the opportunity here to share the beauty and activities at Crow’s Nest Preserve.