Crow’s Nest: Fall Color? Yes!
By Daniel Barringer, Preserve Manager.

Photo: Daniel Barringer
If you’re wondering when to schedule your leaf-peeping, the answer is now. We’ve had our first frost (Sunday morning 10/9) and the color is really starting to pop. That’s the shadow of the barn and silo in the photo above.

Photo: Daniel Barringer
Dogwoods are turning burgundy, walnuts bright yellow, and black cherry trees orange. Sadly the early clear yellow of ash is mostly absent since those trees have succumbed to the Emerald Ash Borer. Oaks remain green as they will turn orange later. Poison ivy (yes, poison ivy) is a flaming orange. What steals the show right now is the red maple, blazing red and orange. Turfgrass is still bright green and sets off the autumn color nicely. Blue, purple and white asters, white snakeroot, and goldenrod add to the peak color. Don’t miss it!

Photo: Daniel Barringer