Crow’s Nest: book love
By Daniel Barringer, Preserve Manager.

Photo: Daniel Barringer
The tiny library at Crow’s Nest Preserve is where nature and literature meet. You can enjoy the view (reflected in the door of the tiny library above) while you sit in the nearby adirondack chairs, or you can peruse books to borrow, then return them here or at any little free library—you can find them all over at
I’ve tried to stock books of particular conservation interest, among other things, and the library is proving popular as we are seeing books disperse.
If you have books at home that you’d like to pass along, feel free to bring them on your hike and drop them off here. The tiny library is located at the far end of the Creek Trail, alongside the “flat field” (trust me, it’s the only flat ground here and easily recognized) before the trail begins to climb through farm fields on the way to the Chief’s Grove. Or, just let us know you are dropping off books at our visitor center barn, 201 Piersol Road, and we’ll make sure they get out there. Thank you!