Mariton: Happy Father’s Day June 16, 2019by Tim Burris, Preserve Manager. There is a lot of variation amongst bird species as to how much support the male provides when raising their…
Mariton: Many Colored Coat June 15, 2019by Tim Burris, Preserve Manager. In the spring people often tell me about deer that look sickly. After a couple of questions, I can usually…
Crow’s Nest: Photo roundup June 10, 2019By Daniel Barringer, Preserve Manager. Spring has gone by so quickly I haven’t had time to organize, much less look at, photos I’ve been taking.…
Crow’s Nest: Emerald Ash Borer’s effect June 8, 2019By Daniel Barringer, Preserve Manager. Emerald ash borer (EAB) is an insect that bores into the trunks of ash trees, eventually girdling the cambium, the…
Crow’s Nest: Climbing Trees June 7, 2019By Daniel Barringer, Preserve Manager. There are a few good trees for climbing at Crow’s Nest. Not all of them, however, are particularly easy to…
Crow’s Nest: Build it and they will come June 6, 2019By Daniel Barringer, Preserve Manager. A lot of what we do as land managers on Natural Lands preserves is to create the conditions under which…
Crow’s Nest: And now for something completely different May 29, 2019By Daniel Barringer, Preserve Manager. During a break in this evening’s storm we walked out on the porch to see what the weather was doing.…
Crow’s Nest: Trail camera Winter 2018-19 May 27, 2019By Daniel Barringer, Preserve Manager. I just pulled the trail camera because the hayfield in front of it has grown up and the waving of…
Mariton: Something New Every Day May 6, 2019by Tim Burris, Preserve Manager. Photos by Carole Mebus. I have been doing a Wildflower Walk at Mariton for several years on the first Saturday…
Mariton: Garlic Mustard, Some Perspective May 5, 2019by Tim Burris, Preserve Manager I recently posted about our Garlic Mustard Removal project and featured a photo with a truck load of the stuff. …