
Crow’s Nest: And now for something completely different

May 29, 2019

By Daniel Barringer, Preserve Manager.

During a break in this evening’s storm we walked out on the porch to see what the weather was doing. Imagine my surprise to see a pair of black rat snakes… occupying our porch swing. Given how much rain we’ve had I’m not surprised they were looking for something elevated.

Alas, our photo taking disturbed them and they went their separate ways. One climbed up the chain, like a protagonist in a bad Hollywood movie (never go up into the tower where there is no escape!).

This one eventually came down again and was easily able to extend himself to the floor and back into the yard. We were wowed by the muscle strength the snake used to grip the chain, not wrapping around it until more than half way up. We’ve likely seen these individuals before (like here) and are happy to have them around. But from now on I will pay closer attention to where I sit down on the porch.