
Mariton: New Nest Box Activity

April 16, 2022

by Tim Burris, Preserve Manager

A Bluebird Nest in nest box.

Photo by Tim Burris.

I finally have Bluebird nesting activity at Mariton.  I’ve been checking the boxes regularly since February, and weekly since the beginning or March.  This week I found several boxes with blades of grass.  This is usually a precursor of nest building.  Three of the boxes were located close together, so probably only one of them will ultimately be a nest site.  The very last box I checked held a nest that is almost completed.  It is still chilly, but we should see eggs soon.

The beginnings of a Chickadee nest.  Moss in a nest box.

Moss is the beginning of a Chickadee nest. Photo by Tim Burris.

Chickadees also started building a nest in one of the boxes.

A Flying Squirrel poking its head of its nest in a nest box.

Photo by Tim Burris.

The Flying Squirrel, poked out of the nest to give me a good photo opportunity.