Mariton: A Morning Kayak Trip
by Tim Burris, Preserve Manager. Photos by Joanne Bosco, FON Volunteer

Photo by Tim Burris
Mariton recently hosted a kayak trip at Giving Pond Recreation Area. This is part of the Delaware Canal State Park. Giving Pond is a great birding area, but I had never thought of leading a kayak trip there. It was formerly a gravel quarry before the state park bought it. It is 90 acres, but has varied habitats including flooded woods and little islands. We saw lots of wildlife as we casually paddled around the pond.
Painted Turtles were abundant, and we saw over 100. Because we floated more than paddled, the wildlife allowed us to approach for wonderful views.

Photo by Joanne Bosco

Photo by Joanne Bosco
Joanne captured this great photo of a Great Blue Heron that looks like it is standing on the kayak. It is farther away from the kayaker than it looks, but it is much closer than one would expect. It was quite content to let the group float by.