Crow’s Nest: Pull up a seat…

January 25, 2018

By Daniel Barringer, Preserve Manager

Photo: Daniel Barringer

Last week Aubrey and Erin took one of the days when the weather was grim outside to build a couple more Leopold benches. We’ve been making a pair of them about every other year (a small amount of lumber conveniently makes two; conservationist Aldo Leopold developed the design to be made easily out of scrap lumber).

We aren’t using chemically-treated wood for these but we do paint them with a non-toxic wood treatment that should make them last longer outdoors (here the feet are soaking in it in bread pans). Eventually the wood will go back to the earth but so far they are lasting well.

We’re all about connecting people with nature and think that a nice place to sit is sometimes just what is needed. You’ll find these around the visitor center and in the woods near the natural play area. Along the trails you will also find wood slab benches. Pull up a seat and enjoy!