Crow’s Nest: Milkweed time
By Daniel Barringer, Preserve Manager.

Photo: Daniel Barringer
We are now entering peak bloom time for our purple milkweed (Asclepias purpurascens), with other species shortly behind: common milkweed (Asclepias syriaca) with dusty-pink flowers, swamp milkweed (Asclepias incarnata) with flowers between hot pink and purple, and orange-flowered butterfly weed (Asclepias tuberosa). All are great at attracting butterflies so those who are patient will be rewarded with views such as this Great Spangled Fritillary (Speyeria cybele).
There is common milkweed in the meadow around the parking lot. For the others you’ll have to make it to our “northern meadows” and savanna by following the Creek Trail and then through the far fields (yellow arrows) to the Hopewell Trail (purple arrows). Where the trail opens up into meadows you will find these flowers blooming now.