
Crow’s Nest: Little Critters

June 13, 2018

By Daniel Barringer, Preserve Manager.

Photo: Daniel Barringer

This garter snake was hanging out in the kids’ play area yesterday and was obliged to pose for a photo. There is a chance that some animals were displaced from their homes by the heavy flooding we experienced after Sunday night’s storms. We don’t see garter snakes here all that often, especially since they are likely very common. More frequently we see black rat snakes, such as this pair who were just leaving Aubrey’s office (below). So now you know why we don’t leave the door open any more…

Photo: Daniel Barringer

This American toad hangs out on our steps sometimes.

Photo: Daniel Barringer

And filed under “If I don’t move you can’t see me” this baby rabbit froze in the lawn near the visitor center. Some predators’ eyesight is adapted to spot quick movement so this is a legitimate survival strategy.

Photo: Daniel Barringer