Crow’s Nest: Leaf peeper update
By Daniel Barringer, Preserve Manager.

Photo: Daniel Barringer
What’s the latest on fall color this year in northwestern Chester County at the edge of Berks County? It’s running late this year! Normally I’d say peak is about the second week of October but we’re not there yet as we now enter the third week. The red maples in the low-lying areas look pretty good, and some individual trees are outstanding, but overall things this year are… subtle. Above, the pond at Warwick Woods sets off some of those red maples. Below, the ridges at French Creek State Park adjacent to Crow’s Nest Preserve are just showing a hint of color.

Photo: Daniel Barringer

Photo: Daniel Barringer
Of course, we’ve had glorious, mild weather, and that is a good reason to visit the preserve, even if that mild weather has also delayed our peak of fall color. And there are still plenty of wildflowers in bloom, like the asters below.

Photo: Daniel Barringer