
Crow’s Nest Camp 2019: Week One

July 13, 2019

By Daniel Barringer, Preserve Manager. Photos by Eloise Smyrl, Aubrey Smith, and Serena Hertzog.

We held our first week of camp, one of two offered for kids going into 5th and 6th grades, at the end of June. The theme this year is “Trees” and the kids climbed a few.

We also played in the creek, went on a hayride, and built miniature treehouses to take home. Aubrey led the kids in a craft to make tuliptree (Liriodendron tulipifera) flowers out of tissue paper, and the kids photographed the very large one they pass between the parking lot and the visitor center barn, and they wrote a Haiku poem about tuliptrees.

The kids went on small group hikes to explore the preserve and completed the “Crow’s Nest Challenge Hike” to walk from one end of our 621 acres to the other over the course of one day.

All things considered, we had a great time, and I think the kids did too!