
Crow’s Nest: A new place to contemplate nature

December 5, 2018

By Daniel Barringer, Preserve Manager.

Photo: Daniel Barringer

We added this bench to the preserve yesterday, an oak slab mounted beside the walkway to the visitor center, adjacent to the gardens on the slope there. We have placed a lot of benches at strategic places around the preserve so that people have a place to be comfortable in nature.

Lest this look too comfortable, here’s a photo of Kendra using a jackhammer to break through the cinder blocks and other rubble that are buried in the construction fill beside the barn, in order to install that same bench. While cinder blocks seem fragile if you drop them, they are miserably difficult to break up and remove from a post hole!

Photo: Daniel Barringer

So, we really hope you enjoy a rest on this bench. We know that we will!