
Field Notes

An antique farm plow rests in the foreground with its wheels in the snow. In the background there is a snowy landscape with tall trees.

Crow’s Nest: Yet more winter

An adult Barred Owl in a pine tree

Crow’s Nest: Barred owl

Sunshine on the edge of a meadow with snow in the foreground and tall trees in the background

Crow’s Nest: Winter Scenes

Photo by Tim Burris/trail cam

Mariton: Adapting to Change

Photo by Tim Burris

Mariton: 2016 Blizzard

looking up at evergreen trees from below with blue sky behind

Mariton: The Rhythm of Nature…Walking

Photo: Daniel Barringer

Crow’s Nest: More ash tree removals

Photo by Tim Burris

Mariton: Flying Squirrels

A textured photo of clouds in the sky.

Crow’s Nest: The Humility of Stewardship