
child's play

Kids these days… They just aren’t spending as much time outdoors as previous generations. That means fewer are having the experiences that build a lifelong connection to nature. Plus, they’re missing out on the many health and educational benefits of being outdoors.

We’ve committed ourselves to helping to turn the tide by encouraging nature play, offering a wide array of events for children, and providing unique opportunities to learn in nature.

A girl with mud painted on her face smiles outdoors.

nature. play.

Children are naturally curious. Unstructured play outdoors nurtures young minds and bodies, creates memories, and fosters a lifelong connection to nature.

Visit Ollie Owl’s NaturePlayGround at ChesLen Preserve and look for more nature play areas in the future.

visit ollie owl

A child smiles while standing in a stream.

play. dates.

Looking for something to do?

How about fun in the mud in the Brandywine? Or a day of games that teach about keeping the Delaware clean? We offer inspiring and informative events for kids throughout the year.

find an event

A child wearing a pink shirt and glasses stands in a natural setting next to a tree holding out a small frog on his hand.

hang. time.

One of the best ways for a child to experience the outdoors is to roam free. Our nature preserves are close to home and a great place to do just that.

find a place

A young girl holds autumn leaves and smiles.

life. lessons.

Children who play in nature grow up to be adults who protect it. That’s why our education programs get kiddos outside as much as possible.

learn more and register