
senior membership

Your membership support means you’ll be helping leave a legacy of green meadows, shady forests, clear streams, and wide-open vistas.

Natural Lands is happy to offer seniors (65 years and older) 10% off any membership of their choosing. The membership levels listed below reflect this discount.

Beautiful sunset through a silhouette of tree branches

senior member benefits:

  • Invitations to members-only events and programming opportunities
  • Discounted tickets and priority registration to Natural Lands events throughout the year
  • A Natural Lands Member Card that entitles you to discounts at regional garden centers, museums, wineries, coffee shops, boutiques and more
  • A subscription to Natural Lands magazine and monthly e-newsletter
  • Exclusive thank you gifts throughout the year, like our annual members-only calendar

Best of all, you’ll make the land for life, nature for all movement one member stronger.