
Mariton: Bird Sightings

April 20, 2012

by Tim Burris, Preserve Manager

The warblers are coming back.  I heard my first (of the season) Black and White Warbler this week.  The Yellow-rumped Warblers have been here for awhile, but I am hearing more and more singing from this species.

Blue-gray Gnatcatchers returned this week.  Their nasal bee-jee-jee can be heard in the tree line from the parking lot of the Nature Center.   I was also enchanted by a melodic song, when I realised I was listening to a Rose-breasted Grosbeak.  The sounds are quite cheerful if you walk the trails in the morning. 

The tom Turkey is still displaying in front of the Nature Center.  We have also seen a hen near the beginning of the Main Trail.  I think she has a nest in the brush over the hillside.

The nest boxes are active.  Bluebirds (above) have a total of 8 eggs in two different nests.  The Chickadees (below) have 4 nests and a total of 5 eggs.