
Mariton: Birding Variety

May 27, 2015

by Tim Burris, Preserve Manager.  Photos by Carole Mebus.


This week, we walked along the towpath from Wy-Hit-Tuk Park in Williams Township.  We had some interesting birds including another Yellow-throated Vireo.  We saw an Immature Bald Eagle and a female Ruby-throated Hummingbird (for size variety).  We also found the nests of a Baltimore Oriole, American Robin and Yellow Warbler.

Female Red-winged Blackbird

Female Red-winged Blackbird

Most people are used to seeing the flamboyant Red-winged Blackbird.  At least they are familiar with the male.  The female is a very different looking and can confuse you if you aren’t already thinking blackbird.  She looks more like an overgrown sparrow, until you examine the beak.


American Redstart - first year male

American Redstart – first year male

Two weeks ago, I showed Carole’s photo of a male American Redstart.  The females are olive colored and have yellow patches where the male has orange.  But a first year male looks like a female, with a little orange under its wing near the “armpit”, which you can see in Carole’s photo.

MEBUS BaltimoreOrioleWyHitTukToBrownsDr0526

This is a great photo of a Baltimore Oriole in its orange glory.

MEBUS YellowWarblerWyHitTukToBrownsDrive0526

This Yellow Warbler has a green tint from the sun shining through the leaves.  We had a variety of sizes, a variety of colors, and a variety of bird groups.