
Mariton: Bird Box Day

March 8, 2012

By Tim Burris, Mariton Preserve Manager

The preserve managers try to get together every winter to build Bluebird and Screech Owl boxes.  Normally, we get a case of cabin fever near the end of February.  So, the Bird Box Day is a chance to get together and let off some steam, while being productive.  This year, however, we were able to work on projects outside all winter (no cabin fever).  It is still tradition, so I scheduled it at Mariton for Thursday.  (It just happened to be the most spring like day of the Winter that wasn’t.) 

Joe Vinton from Bear Creek Preserve, Preston Wilson from Diabase and Paunacussing, Mike Coll from Hildacy, and Stewardship Assistant Kevin Mault showed up with tools and enthusiasm and we set up shop. 

We ended up cutting 50 Bluebird Box kits and 9 Screech Owl kits.  We were a little short-handed (because of the great weather), so we opted to just cut the pieces and not assemble boxes.  The kits will be delivered to the different preserve managers, and they can nail them up some rainy day.

It was a very productive day.