
Crow’s Nest: A Hike of their Own, Part 3

May 24, 2015

[Part 3 and conclusion of the story.]

…the good part—it was on video and the camera didn’t get wet. The bad part—Lily got very wet!


Then Lily went to catch crayfish with the boys and Nina and Joy went too. The crayfish hunters caught lots of crayfish and almost caught a salamander.

Then it was time to go so we radioed Molly so that she would be there with the car to pick us up and we walked out to meet her.

The kids met us at the cars for a ride back to the Visitor’s Center (we didn’t make them walk both ways!) for some lemonade. They were tired, happy, excited about the experience (even Lily, who had gotten soaked.)

In the weeks of planning for the hike, and in the week after, we saw a noticeable change in the dynamics of the group as what had been two separate groups (boys and girls) began spending more time together. The hike also increased their confidence—the next week we joked that they were going to lead the younger kids in the group on the same hike, and though they whined a little about doing such a long hike again, they had no problem with the idea of taking charge of the group.

This was a great experience for the kids, and I’d encourage you to have your kids try doing something alone that normally they’d do with an adult. (The actual activity should vary by age and ability, of course!) You—and your kids—might be surprised by what they are capable of! (As further reading on this subject, I’d also recommend Free Range Kids, by Lenore Skenazy.)