nature for all
We invite you to be an active part of making the outdoors safe and welcoming for people of all races, origins, and identities.
everyone has a place
Natural Lands is deeply committed to connecting people to the outdoors at our 40+ nature preserves and one public garden.
In nature, biodiversity—habitats that are home to a wide array of plants and animals—is the hallmark of a thriving ecosystem. The same is true for the health of our organization and the conservation movement. For Natural Lands to meet the needs of the region we serve and to be sustainable long-term, we must engage with and reflect the wide range of people and communities it contains.
Everyone should have safe, nearby access to nature, no matter what community they call home. Everyone should feel welcome in the outdoors and at organizations that, like Natural Lands, work to protect and care for nature.
We are working to ensure that everyone has a place in the Natural Lands community.