outdoor education

We believe that children who play in nature grow up to be adults who protect it. That’s why our education programs—held at Crow’s Nest Preserve in Elverson, Chester County—get kiddos outside as much as possible.

a group of children in a hammock and two other children rocking it

use your outdoor voice

Children who participate in our outdoor education get truly immersed in nature. They turn over logs to see what’s underneath, climb on fallen trees, hunt for crayfish, squish in mud puddles, and swim in the creek. They enjoy the sort of unstructured free play that stretches their bodies and their creativity.

We offer a variety of programs year-round for children age five to early teens.

summer camp

Each week we welcome a different age group of campers. The 1st/2nd graders visit the same remote campsite daily; 3rd through 6th graders explore the whole preserve; 7th and 8th graders take a variety of field trips to learn more about how Crow’s Nest fits into the larger picture of conservation in the region. Daily activities include free play in the woods, small group adventures, and creek splashing.

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Summer campers trying out homemade rafts on French Creek

Nature clubs run weekly in eight-week blocks in the autumn, winter, and spring. There are after-school clubs for children in grades K through 6th, as well as morning programs for home-schooled children. A typical program includes a short hike or hayride to our destination and a period of free play.

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Three children playing on a frozen creek with the sun shining into the lens.

Teens who have aged out of our other programs can participate in this weekly service-based program. We work on various projects around the preserve, including invasive species control, trail improvements, and plantings. This program helps youth remain connected to Crow’s Nest while giving back to the place that helped formed their love of nature.

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Two young volunteers with a wheelbarrow full of gravel working on trails.


Need more information?  Send a message to Molly Smyrl, Crow’s Nest educator, call her at 610-286-7955, or visit our Facebook page.


small girl stands in creek and holds out muddy hands to camera

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We have the cause. You have the effect.