days & hours

Nature is good for us… for our brains, bodies, and relationships to one another. That’s why there are Natural Lands properties open to visitors every day of the year, and always free of charge.

a landscape shot that shows from behind a person and a dog leaning against each other on a bench, facing a lush green field, watching an orange sunset.

when to visit

Our nature preserves are generally open sunrise to sunset, year-round. Select preserves are closed one day a week for trail maintenance and natural areas management.

  • Binky Lee Preserve – Closed Tuesdays
  • Bryn Coed Preserve – Closed Thursdays
  • ChesLen Preserve – Closed Thursdays
  • Gwynedd Preserve – Closed Tuesdays
  • Mariton Wildlife Sanctuary – Closed Mondays
  • Saunders Woods Preserve – Closed Wednesdays
  • Stroud Preserve – Closed Wednesdays

Occasionally we may close certain trails or parking areas for special events, snow removal, or wildlife management.

Stoneleigh: a natural garden is open Tuesday through Sunday, 10 AM to 5 PM, year-round. Closed Mondays, Thanksgiving, and Christmas.


find a place

Get ready to start your exploration of Natural Lands’ 40+ properties. Where will you go first?


find your way

Explore our miles of trails with the AllTrails mobile app.


dog rules

We love dogs! But they must be on leash at all times and owners must pick up after them.

Volunteer with us.

We have the cause. You have the effect.