planned giving

Forever depends on choices we make today. Leave a conservation legacy by including Natural Lands in your estate plans.

a landscape shot of a grass path leading down a green field with a colorful sunset and trees in the background

make conservation part of your legacy

There are so many estate planning options to explore—all of which will make you feel great about the difference you are making.

Including a gift to Natural Lands in your will does not impact your lifetime resources and can be modified at a later date if your circumstances change. See sample bequest language here.

Making a charity or charities the beneficiary of your IRA or other retirement plan leaves your family or other individuals with fewer tax-burdened assets. It’s as simple as completing a form with your IRA custodian.

You can name Natural Lands as a beneficiary of your DAF, bank, or other investment account. It’s as easy as completing a form with your financial institution.

A charitable gift annuity provides you with a steady stream of retirement income during your lifetime, after which the balance goes to work furthering Natural Lands’ mission.

We have decades of experience with land transactions and there are many ways that your real estate can be used to benefit Natural Lands.

a landscape view of a large tree with a small bench under it overlooking a green field with an orange forest in the background.

Allston Jenkins Legacy Society

Named for our founder, the Allston Jenkins Legacy Society celebrates individuals who have included Natural Lands in their estate plans.


Want to start a conversation, make your intentions known, or join our Allston Jenkins Legacy Society? Kersten Appler, our director of planned giving, would love to hear from you. Please call her at 610-353-5587 ext 313 or send her a message.

send a message

a smiling woman wearing a necklace with a floral-print shirt standing in a field with trees

Natural Lands’ Tax Identification Number: 23-6272818

We cannot offer tax or legal advice. We encourage you to consult with your financial, tax, and/or legal advisor.


so many ways to give

Consider these tax-wise opportunities to make a difference.


our fiscal approach

We value fiscal discipline, strategic planning, and thoughtful risk-taking and innovation.


your impact

Learn more about the work your support makes possible.

Nature needs you.
Your support is essential.