give through a donor-advised fund

Recommend a grant to Natural Lands—from dollars reserved already for charitable purposes—to save open space, care for nature, and connect people to the outdoors and each other.

close-up of a bee covered in pollen on the orange center of a purple coneflower

give from your DAF in just three simple clicks

Use the DAFpay button below to recommend a grant directly from one of hundreds of DAF providers—including Fidelity, Schwab, and Vanguard Charitable. It’s fast. It’s easy. And it has an almost immediate conservation impact.

Note: If your DAF donation is in honor of a specific person or event, you can let us know in the DAFpay button message field.


Want to have a DAF-related conversation or make your DAF gift intentions known? Send a message to Cathy Greenland, director of individual giving, or call her at 610-353-5587 ext 218.

send a message
a smiling woman with long hair looking at the camera with a tree and forest in the background

Natural Lands’ Tax Identification Number: 23-6272818

We cannot offer tax or legal advice. We encourage you to consult with your financial, tax, and/or legal advisor.


leave a legacy

Considering including us in in your long-term plans with a planned gift.


so many ways to give

Consider these tax-wise opportunities to make a difference.


your impact

Learn more about the work your support makes possible.

Nature needs you.
Your support is essential.