one-day photo pass

Your payment of $100 entitles you to a single day of professional photography at Stoneleigh: a natural garden.

Interested in unlimited use of Stoneleigh and our nature preserves for photo shoots? Consider joining our Featured Photographer Program.

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A girl and a boy in fall clothing smile with their eyes closed while lying on green grass and brown autumn leaves.

A woman holding a baby holds hands with a man standing on a rock in the middle of a stream in an autumn forest.

share your photos

We’d love to use your images of Natural Lands’ nature preserves and Stoneleigh. (We always give photo credit.)

Three children run in the sunshine with their parents at a nature preserve

featured photographer program

An unlimited annual pass to use all 40+ Natural Lands’ properties as backdrops for your photo shoots.

Help make our garden grow.

Your support is essential to our work.