seeds to shape the future
Welcome to the NextGen seed packet program. Whether you’re here to learn more about the seeds in your seed packet, the NextGen Council, or to join the Natural Lands movement, we’re excited to have you with us.
At Natural Lands, we believe that the future of conservation and preservation is in the hands of the next generation. Our NextGen Council unites passionate young leaders, innovators, and advocates who are dedicated to preserving and protecting natural spaces with an understanding of how critical ecosystem services are for the health of our region. Together, we are shaping a future where people and nature can thrive in harmony.
get involved with NextGenThe Seed Packet Program is at the heart of this effort, designed to spread native plants and nurture ecosystems within our communities. By planting the seeds of today, the very same seeds Natural Lands has used to create acres of meadows at ChesLen, Stroud, and Bryn Coed preserves, we grow the preserves of tomorrow. Cultivate a lasting connection with these preserved lands as native pollinator wildflowers return season after season– contributing to ongoing conservation efforts. With your help, we can work to restore native plant species, protect biodiversity, and sustain the future of Natural Lands.
Purple Coneflower echinacea purpurea
Tall White Beardtongue penstemon digitalis
Blue Vervain verbena hastata
Lanceleaf Coreopsis coreopsis lanceolata
Blackeyed Susan rudbeckia hirta
Oxeye Sunflower heliopsis helianthoides
Roundhead Lespedeza lespedeza capitata
Golden Alexanders zizia aurea
Partridge Pea chamaecrista fasciculata
Wild Senna senna hebecarpa
Swamp Milkweed asclepias incarnata
Butterfly Milkweed asclepias tuberosa
Heath Aster aster pilosus
Blue False Indigo baptisia australis
Calico Aster aster lateriflorus
Browneyed Susan rudbeckia triloba
Boneset eupatorium perfoliatum
Wild Bergamot monarda fistulosa
Hoary Mountainmint pycnanthemum incanum
Common Milkweed asclepias syriaca
White Goldenrod solidago bicolor
Gray Goldenrod solidago nemoralis
Early Goldenrod solidago juncea
Wrinkleleaf Goldenrod solidago rugosa