
Crow’s Nest: Getting a break in the weather

June 19, 2013

It has been raining a lot lately and that has posed some challenges for land management. Not only can we not mow trails or lawns, but everything grows faster. We can’t get equipment out on the land without damaging wet soils. There’s still plenty to keep us busy but it’s easy to get behind schedule on the summer’s work. (And, Crow’s Nest Camp starts next week!)

We got a break on Monday and Natural Lands Trust arborist Tom Kershner came out to take down a tree that had died next to the springhouse on Northside Road. Tom pruned this tree many years ago and we have watched it gradually age and decline. It is close to the road and probably had poor root development, but generally had just reached its time. We had planned to remove it over the winter but bad weather had forced rescheduling then.

This spring only two branches leafed out, so we knew we couldn’t wait until next winter. (Tom has a little more time to do tree work during that season, as he also has Gwynedd Wildlife Preserve, among other Natural Lands Trust lands, to manage.)


Tom did an excellent job with the tree removal. We chipped the brush into our trailer and will use the chips in the kids’ play area in the woods near the visitor center barn. We’ll give away the firewood. And we’ll replant another tree somewhere nearby.

Posted by Daniel Barringer on June 19, 2013.