Weather Holds For Volunteers!

February 6, 2025

Volunteers posing in front of the woods they are taking care of.

Volunteers posing in front of the woods they are taking care of at Crow’s Nest Preserve.

By Daniel Barringer, Preserve Manager. 

Despite some rough weather in the last few weeks we had a decent day for February’s hardy volunteers at Crow’s Nest Preserve. We went back to a hedgerow that had been done a few years ago and cut shrub honeysuckle from the understory. Since it had been cut before the sprouts were smaller and we covered a lot of ground in a short time.

A person working in woods overlooking a hayfield.

Photo by Daniel Barringer

We pick this spot for occasional winter projects because it is on a south-facing slope to take advantage of the of the sun and shelter from the wind. We didn’t have sun on this day but we kept moving and kept warm. We are so grateful for all the work we accomplish with volunteers. Join us if you can on the first Wednesday of most months from 9 – 11:30 am.

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Then And Now: Creating A Garden

January 29, 2025

Assistant Educator and Land Steward Devon Funt presents the native woodland garden she designed and installed with volunteers.

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