Volunteers And (Guests) Goats

September 4, 2024

Goats in a green field browsing multiflora rose

Goats browsing multiflora rose

By Daniel Barringer, Preserve Manager.

A group of volunteers outdoors posing with tools

Photo by Daniel Barringer

After taking off a couple months during summer camp, today we resumed our regular monthly volunteer days at Crow’s Nest. We cut multiflora rose, bittersweet, honeysuckle, shrub honeysuckle, and autumn olive in a hedgerow.

A delightful highlight of the event was when our neighbor’s goats came over to help out. They nibbled the thorny rose canes like they were candy. Help yourselves! There’s more where that came from.

It has been years since we had our own goats, Seamus and Duffy, who were part of our team for vegetation management, as well as ambassadors and pets. Special bonus, if you click the link about our goats, you’ll see one of the same people who is in the photo above, just 13 years earlier…

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Partnering With Kennett Trails Alliance

September 3, 2024

Youth interns from Kennett Trails Alliance (KTA) learn land stewardship practices, and other conservation-related career pathways

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