Plein Air Painting—Rescheduled

September 19, 2024

A woman painting a landscape.

Karen Weber painting a landscape at Crow’s Nest Preserve

By Daniel Barringer, Preserve Manager.

We’ve rescheduled the Plein Air Painting class with Karen Weber at Crow’s Nest Preserve to give a greater opportunity to register—there are just a few spaces left!

The multi-session class will be held in-person at the preserve on Friday and Saturday, October 4 and 5, with an online introduction Thursday night, October 3.

This promises to be an outstanding opportunity to work in a small-group setting with the artist and receive the personal attention to grow your painting skills.

You can read more about the event and register here.

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Habitat Squiggles

September 14, 2024

These squiggles are patches of mowed areas in a meadow at Crow’s Nest Preserve. You can see the meadow from Bethesda Road.

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