Plein Air Painting Class

August 26, 2024

oil painting: The Conestoga from Safe Harbor by Karen Weber

oil painting: The Conestoga from Safe Harbor by Karen Weber

By Daniel Barringer, Preserve Manager.

Just over a week away, Karen Weber will offer a unique opportunity to learn skills in plein air painting—landscape painting done in the beauty of the outdoors on one of our preserves.

oil painting by Karen Weber of figures fishing in Trout Run

Painting by Karen Weber

A follow up to last year’s introductory class, this 3-session class offers an opportunity for Karen to tutor students on individual work. The program begins with a virtual session on Thursday, September 5, followed by two sessions held at Crow’s Nest Preserve on the mornings of September 6 and 7.

Plein air painting is a matter of how to see, deciding what is important to the scene and recognizing what to leave out. Karen welcomes students who are new to plein air painting as well as students with prior experience.

The workshop will begin with an online orientation where Karen will introduce herself, cover basic foundational information and answer questions.

On Friday and Saturday, Karen will give a demo each day, after which students will enjoy putting their knowledge into practice by creating their own paintings. Instruction will cover basic to intermediate techniques and include advice on supplies, the principles of art, choosing a subject for your painting and the plein air painting process plus much more.

oil painting Craggy Tree on Hertz Road by Karen Weber

Painting by Karen Weber

Karen will help guide students through understanding these concepts with lively demos, hands on painting and one on one instruction.

Karen has been painting in oils since 2010 and her work is represented in galleries throughout southeast Pennsylvania. In her work she strives to capture the unique beauty and character of our region.

Students will be provided with two panels each for painting plus a viewfinder. They will need to supply their own paints, brushes and easels. A complete recommended supply list will be provided once registered.

oil painting of a meadow at Crow's Nest Preserve by Karen Weber

Painting by Karen Weber

This event is supported by the Cassandra O. and Dennis B. Lacey Performance Series. Learn more and register for the event at the link here.

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Crow's Nest Camp 2024 - Week Five

August 24, 2024

The last week of camp is for the 7th and 8th graders. They know the preserve well, and are ready to explore Crow’s Nest.

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