Contra Dance September Special Date
August 28, 2024
A view looking down on people contra dancing in the Crow’s Nest barn
By Daniel Barringer, Preserve Manager.
After June’s successful dance at Crow’s Nest, and due to work being performed at the Birdsboro Community Center, the local contra dance will he held here again in September.
The barn is a fun place to dance. From the Birdsboro Contra website:
Contra dancing is a spirited form of American traditional dance. It draws from many other forms of dance including square, round, Scottish and English country, Appalachian, and European dances of the 1800s. Dancers come from all age groups. Anyone from kids to seniors can become skilled and experienced dancers.
The origin of the name “contra” is lost in history. It may be a changed form of “country” dancing or it may have come from the Latin for “across” or “opposite”.
Dancers line up facing their partner, forming long lines down the hall. The caller teaches the dance before the music starts. This walk-through helps everyone learn the figures to be danced.
Each couple dances the figures with another couple. The whole set of figures takes 64 beats of music (about 30 seconds or so), and the last figure directs you and your partner to the next couple in the line. You begin the dance again with the new couple.
Part of the fun is that as a couple, you’ll get to dance with everyone in the line. When you get to the end of the long line, turn around, trade places and get ready to dance your way back.
Most dances are best performed at a brisk walk in time with the music — generally 115 to 130 beats per minute. The musicians will play a variety of jigs, reels, hornpipes and marches throughout the evening.
There is a break in middle of the evening, usually with light refreshments and snacks. The last musical number of each half is a waltz.
September’s dance will feature Alex Burka with music by Midnight on the Water. The dance will be held on Saturday, September 7. The dance itself runs 7:30 – 10:30 pm. Refresher and beginner instruction is at 7:10, but also consider joining us for a guided hike at the preserve beforehand at 5 pm, followed by a bring-your-own picnic dinner in the barnyard garden before the dance starts. For more information check out the website of the Birdsboro Contra Dance.
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Plein Air Painting Class
August 26, 2024
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