More Red-headed Woodpeckers

October 28, 2024

By Daniel Barringer, Preserve Manager.

It was 2013 when we last saw Red-headed Woodpeckers in large numbers at Crow’s Nest Preserve. Birders still occasionally report seeing them, but we haven’t had an irruption of them like back then, when it was easy to reliably see them. Visitors flocked to the preserve to see this  spectacular looking bird whose numbers have been declining across its range.

Our birding volunteer Jeff Kenney sent some pictures this morning that are very exciting. It may be just one individual, he says, but he was able to observe it easily from the bridge along Harmonyville Road.

Red-headed Woodpecker poking above a broken tree trunk.

Photo: Jeff Kenney

A Red-headed Woodpecker leaning away from a dead tree trunk.

Photo: Jeff Kenney

The back side of a Red-headed Woodpecker on a dead tree.

Photo: Jeff Kenney

Enjoy these photos of the bird, and come on out to look for yourself. As you might guess, the dead trees are not just the home to insects, but they have many cavities including small ones where acorns can be cached. This highlights the value of leaving standing dead trees wherever possible, where they won’t pose a hazard to people or places.

The front side of a Red-headed woodpecker on a dead tree trunk.

Photo: Jeff Kenney