Crow’s Nest Camp 2024 – Week Two
By Daniel Barringer, Preserve Manager.

Photo: Fiona Sanders
The 3rd and 4th graders were an energetic bunch at camp during a particularly hot week this summer (of which there have now been several). Above, a group goofs around and a nuthatch appears to be in on the joke.

Photo: Pete Smyrl
There was plenty of time spent in the cooling waters of French Creek trying out the allegedly therapeutic value of its mud.

Photo: Devon Funt
Above, kids explore the boulders at Warwick Woods, and below, discover a salamander.

Photo: Molly Smyrl

Photo: Allie Cook
Above, Educator Molly Smyrl enjoys a soaking courtesy the campers. Below, a couple photos of the French Creek flotilla—rafts being tested to see if they’re seaworthy.
I’ll be sure to offer more detailed recognition at the end of camp, but as we approach the mid-point of the summer, I’d like to acknowledge how great a group of staff and volunteers we have making this happen.

Photo: Molly Smryl

Photo: Pete Smyrl