Field Notes

Close up of a cicada insect with brown and red coloring on green leaves

Mariton: To Be 17 Again

slightly blurry photo of a yellow bird looking up with its mouth open perched on a leafless branch

Mariton: A Fun Find

a wooden boardwalk over a calm stream with woodland greenery on both banks

Crow’s Nest: Creek Trail improvements

a peaceful garden scene with various blooming perennial plants with a stone wall in the background as well as several understory trees

Crow’s Nest: A Yellowwood Tribute

A close up of a five black feathered baby birds in a nest of dried grasses inside a wooden nest box

Mariton: New Nest Box Activity

A small, fluffy bird with a yellowish breast and grayish brown head perches on a tree branch with sunshine behind it.

Mariton: Hitting the Road

A person holding a can of fuel walks next to a fire line in a feild.

what is a prescribed burn?

A small bird with a brown and white speckled breast and brown wings tilts its head at the camera. It stands on the grassy ground.

Mariton: Migratory Bird Census

find yourself outside logo

finding nature. finding yourself.

Close up inside an owl nest box of a Barn Owl with it's white face, dark eyes, and mottled brown plumage

a species of special concern